Tea Chats is a place to engage with Peter Wescombe on a 1:1 basis or a small group of 2 -4 people to talk and explore living life from your true nature – from your heart centred awareness, rather than the limited perspective of your mind.


Tea Chats are for “seekers” or anyone looking for answers and have had enough of reading endless books and watching YouTube videos, attending retreats and seminars, and/or have already discovered the path to self-realization. If that sounds like you then having a chat with Peter may be very beneficial.


Peter focusses on engaging with you authentically and creating a direct experience – pointing you to your true self and effortlessly recognising your true nature, enabling you to experience the joy and bliss of seeing what was always there “hidden in plain sight” Your true nature is who and what you really are – it has always been there and you have never left it, but like so many, you have probably got caught up into believing you are your mind and your thoughts and the “resume” of all your past. But, hey, don’t be fooled – you are not this separate individual who has to struggle and work hard and be constantly busy surviving in this seeming stressful, competitive world. It’s nice to know we can be detached from all that and simply live in the moment, in total peace and happiness – free from struggle and suffering and endless problems.

1:1 Tea Chats can be done in person at the Mount Roland Retreat location in Paradise, Tasmania, or alternatively via Zoom, or over the phone. Appointments can be made here: Tea Chat booking

Here are a selection of Tea Chats from the You tube channel